Email marketing agency

Email marketing that your audience will look forward to reading

Content that converts™

Email marketing has been around forever, but there’s a reason for that: It works. With an average 4,400% return on investment (ROI), email marketing is an effective approach to generating—and closing—more leads.

But here’s the thing: to get results, you need a strategy and some seriously good copywriting.

From drip campaigns to win-back sequences and email newsletters, a smart email marketing strategy builds trust with your readers, keeps your services top-of-mind, and creates new opportunities to convert every time you hit “send”

Email marketing works for businesses. It delivers:

  1. Higher organic reach
  2. Better ROI
  3. Higher conversion rates than social media

And when you segment? The results are even better.

Let’s help your email marketing deliver. At FocusWorks, we work with our clients to create value-added, conversion-driven email marketing strategies that readers will actually want to read.

Our approach to email marketing

Whether you’ve never sent a marketing email in your life or you just need help wrangling your existing email activities, we take the pain out of the process.

Build a foundation for your email marketing

Every new client relationship at FocusWorks Marketing kicks off with an in-depth discovery phase. That’s where we really get to know who you, your business, and your clients are. During this phase, we start with the following:

  • Conducting an extensive audit of your email marketing activities
  • Analyzing the data available
  • Creating a customized email marketing plan and recommendations for your business

What do you want to accomplish? That’s our next question.

No two businesses have the same marketing objectives, so let’s figure out what yours are. Are you looking to:

  • Build brand awareness?
  • Grow your subscriber list?
  • Reduce your unsubscribes or bounces?
  • Increase conversion rates?

When your strategy aligns with your goals, you get better results.

And don’t worry about the nitty-gritty details of email marketing. Our plan includes support for setting up an email marketing platform, implementing sign-up forms on your website, and designing custom-branded email templates.

Our email marketing services

Email marketing strategy

Worried about standing out in your audience’s inbox? We create a customized strategy so your readers do more than open your emails—they act on them.

Email marketing design

Visually appealing, user-friendly, and on-brand? That’s our standard for client email design.

Email copywriting

Authentic messaging that speaks to your readers’ needs while building a lasting relationship with them AND sharing your services.

It’s what we do.

Email campaign optimization

We help analyze your copy, subject lines, segmentation, offers, CTAs, and other elements of your email campaigns so yours is in line with best practices—and you get the best results.

Email marketing reporting

What does the data say? No matter how much you love your emails, they need to resonate with your readers. We help you make sense of data like open rates, click-through rates, unsubscribes, and other metrics so you’re getting the results you need.

Discover the best email marketing campaign for you

Welcome emails

Remember when your mom told you that first impressions count? She was telling the truth. Typically, welcome emails get 3x the revenue-per-email as promotional mailings. Make your first impression count.

Promotional emails

We help you perfect your pitch by testing and optimizing each and every email and campaign so your leads are getting the right offer at the right time.

Email drip campaigns

Timing is everything. Drip campaigns help lead prospects through the sales funnel, addressing each of their concerns and using their behavior to trigger automatic emails.

Email marketing automation

Don’t lose out on potential sales. Instead, use email to engage your leads based on select triggers. Automated to make it easy and customized to get results.

Email marketing platform and CRM integration

You’ve got your email platform. You’ve got your CRM. We’ll make sure the two of them can talk to one another so you can get the most out of both of them.

Digital newsletters

Staying top-of-mind is key. We’ll help create a newsletter people can’t wait to see in their inbox.

Re-engagement email campaigns

Most lists lose 25% of their subscribers each year. Recapture their interest and earn back the attention of the subscribers you never meant to let go.

Get a better ROI out of your emails—work with an email marketing specialist

We say it all the time: we love helping our clients find the right marketing solutions for their goals. If you’re wondering how we can help you connect with more clients, more effectively, drop us a line.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

Email marketing FAQs

Why is email marketing important?

Some time ago, someone suggested that email marketing is dead . . . and email marketers have been disproving that statement ever since.

Consider these stats:

  • There are currently 4 billion daily email users, but the number is anticipated to rise to 4.6 billion by 2025
  • 78% of marketers report increasing email engagement from 2020 to 2021
  • Regardless of generation, people consider email to be the most personal marketing channel. Here’s the generational breakdown.
    • 74% of Baby Boomers
    • 72% of Gen X
    • 64% of Millennials
    • 60% of Gen Z

Can I use email marketing for the legal industry? Healthcare? How about IT consulting? Or accounting?

Yes. Email marketing is endlessly adaptable to industries, whether you’re a small law firm, a large healthcare practice, or a tech startup.

That’s not to say that the same strategies work across the board. Instead, your strategy should be based on your ideal audience, your business goals, your mission and values, and who you are as a business.

What’s more, while most people are used to digital communications, customers across industries and markets feel differently about how they get email communications. Your strategy should always consider:


  • Email frequency and timing
  • Content
  • Offers and CTAs
  • Overall marketing activities

Speaking of frequency, how often should I send emails?

There’s no one right answer for this, but there are a few basic things to consider. First, you need to be consistent. Whether you send an email out once a month or once a day, creating a schedule makes it easier to stay top-of-mind for your audience.

That being said, remember that while email marketing is effective, people get lots of emails. A lot of them. So if you’re hitting “send” once a month, that might not be enough to be memorable. On the flip side, if you’re sending too many emails—as in, multiple emails a week—you risk being too memorable. As in, your reader will remember to UNSUBSCRIBE.

How do you know what the right amount is? Our answer for everyone is this: Testing. When you build an email strategy with a testing mindset, you accomplish a lot.


  • You gather invaluable data
  • You understand your audience’s needs better
  • You refine your messaging, offers, and CTAs
  • You avoid making big marketing missteps that can cost you time and money

Open rates? Clickthrough rates? Bounce rates? What do these metrics mean?

If you’re reading all of this and it sounds pretty good . . . but also a little unclear, don’t worry. Just like the legal industry (or tech or healthcare or accounting or any other vertical), marketing has its own language that can be head-scratching at times.

However, understanding common metrics used in email marketing can make it MUCH easier to understand your strategy and results. Here’s an overview of some common email marketing metrics:

  • Open rates: Percentage of people who open your email. This used to be a common metric, but as Apple has updated its iOs, it’s harder to track how many opens you’re getting.
  • Clickthrough rates: The percentage of people who click on a link in your email. This is calculated out of the total number of people who opened the email to begin with.
  • Bounce rates: Percentage of emails that weren’t delivered. This could be because your email is going to someone’s spam folder, but it could also be because the email address isn’t valid, their mailbox is full, your email has been blocked, and more.

These aren’t the only metrics that are used in email marketing, but they’re the most common.

Want to talk metrics, strategy, and email marketing? We’d love to hear from you!